Feline immunodeficiency provirus
The FIVp dtec-qPCR comprises a series of specific targeted reagents designed for Feline immunodeficiency provirus detection by using qPCR. Feline immunodeficiency virus is a single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus belonging to the Lentivirus genus. As part of their life cycle, once the viral RNA enters to the cytoplasm, DNA is produced by using its own reverse transcriptase. The new DNA is then incorporated into the host cell genome by an integrase enzyme, at this point the retroviral DNA is referred to as a provirus. FIV is the only non-primate lentivirus to cause an AIDS-like syndrome, attacking the immune system, but is not typically fatal for cats. FIV is transmitted primarily through saliva, mainly bites, and progresses through similar stages to HIV in humans. After the initial stage of infection, there are an asymptomatic stage of variable length of time. Some cats stay in this latent stage for only a few months, but for some it can last for years. Finally, the cat progresses into the final stage, wherein the cat is extremely susceptible to secondary diseases that inevitably are the cause of death.
Kit Content and Prices
GPS™ primers and probes are sold for research use only
All GPS™ Kits are available in F100 and MONODOSE Format
GPS™ reagents are compatible with all qPCR devices