One-Day Food Testing

Detection of pathogens in a single day

GPS™ has developed a protocol for foodborne pathogen control that allows to advance the results in a single working day. Time of each step has been reduced and the procedure has been simplified and optimized. Easy, safe and fast.
  • Minimum enrichment times Salmonella and E. coli 8 hours y Listeria monocytogenes 12 hours.
  • Extracción FastExt® included, easy and rapid method for the DNA extraction developed by GPS™.
  • Includes our innovative format MONODOSE qPCR + Internal Control, ready-to-use tubes with all components for detection of specific pathogens, adding the sample is only needed. Setting the PCR is so easy, safe, and fast as shown on this video (please click).
  • Our qPCR protocol allows to assay different pathogens at the same run of qPCR.
  • GPS™ has optimized its reagents to use a thermo-cycling protocol with very short reaction times (8 min).
  • 24 Reactions per pathogen.
  • All our kits are stable at room temperature for transport

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