Dr Antonio Martínez-Murcia, researcher at the UMH and manager of the GPS™ laboratory, ranks among the most referenced authors in the world, according to the study performed by the academic editorial Elsevier.
A recent study places Dr Antonio Martínez-Murcia, manager of the research laboratory of Genetic PCR Solutions (GPS™), within the 2 % of most cited researchers in the world in his specialty as reported by the University Miguel Hernández (UMH). Classification, conducted by the academic editorial Elsevier, specialised in the scientific, technical and medical fields, has been performed using the Scopus database in order to assess the impact of scientific publications. The ranking considers the total scientific productivity (number of total publications), the impact of the publications (number of times that his research has been referenced) and the relevance of the author’s positioning in the articles. The study provided two lists where the 200.000 most cited authors are displayed and all the authors within the 2 % more cited by specialty along their whole career and during 2021 are shown. GPS™ is a research company which presents the ability to design and produce PCR kits capable of detecting viruses and emerging pathogenic bacteria in the extraordinary period of 10 days. Among the design works for about 400 different pathogens, it should be noted that, in January 2020, GPS™ launched the first qPCR kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. Likewise, in May 2022, the company released to the market the first kit in the world for the detection of the Monkeypox virus.
Elsevier reference: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4
Source: UMH