genetic PCR solutions™News


On November 13-14, the XXVII AVEDILA Symposium was held at the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao, organised this year by NEIKER – the Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development. The symposium was attended by 120 delegates from more than 40 institutions, including laboratories, technology centres, universities, and companies. The opening ceremony featured, in order of...

Last week, from the 21st to the 23rd of October, the 7th Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (EAVLD) was held at the Congress Centre in the Italian city of Padua. This 7th edition of the EAVLD saw 378 delegates registered, with 45 oral presentations and 260 poster presentations, supported by 26...

Since last January, GPS™ has been part of the Technical Standardisation Committee for Animal Diagnostic Analysis CTN-UNE 331 and the international committee CEN/TC 469/WG1 Animal health diagnostic analysis, participating in European standardisation initiatives for the control of diagnostic reagents in animal health. On Tuesday, 17th of September, the fifth meeting of the Technical Standardisation Committee...

It is probably the biggest event in poultry science in 2024 and we’ve been there. We are talking about the XVI European Poultry Congress (EPC) in Valencia, Spain. On Monday 24th of June, Calier invited Dr. Antonio Martínez-Murcia from genetic PCR solutions™ to their satellite event on ‘Advances in Salmonella Vaccination’ as a speaker to...

Dr. Antonio Martínez-Murcia from University Miguel Hernández and director of Genetic PCR solutions™ will make a keynote lecture as an invited speaker about “Phylogenetic diversity and current taxonomy of the genus Mycobacterium: consequences for the diagnosis of tuberculosis” in the 7th congress of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (EAVLD) in the Italian city of Padua the upcoming 21st of October. If...

October 24-26 Sevilla (Spain) it will take place the 6th Congress of the European Asociation of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, where genetic PCR solutions™ will participate with Dr. Martínez-Murcia (member of the congress scientific comitee) presenting the conference Addressing viral taxonomy through simple Multilocus Phylogenetic Analysis (MLPA), a pragmatic tool for identification and Gema Bru Addressing viral...

Dr. Martínez-Murcia member of the Scientific Committee of the congress, will present on Saturday, September 17 at 09:30 a.m. the Guest Lecture: “Evolution of Zoonotic SARS-CoV-2 Database and its Influence in Assigning the Phylogenetic Value of Mutations for Lineage-Specific Detection”. The 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, will be in Bari (Italy)...

XVI Congreso Nacional de Virología from 6-9 September 2022, the Dr. Martínez-Murcia (Universidad Miguel Hernández profesor and Director of genetic PCR solutions™ will present as Invited Speaker: Sequence diversity on public databases and its influence in designing the specificity of PCR primers for pathogen detection: the case of Monkeypox virus. Click the image to visit...