Falco sexing
The FalSex epPCR comprises a series of specific targeted reagents designed for Falco sexing detection by using epPCR. Sex determination in birds is sometimes difficult due to the absence of sexual dimorphism in many species. The use of genetic markers to determine the sex of birds is the most effective alternative for accuracy and speed. Sex determination is of interest in ex situ conservation programs, production, operation, and population studies. GPS™ has designed PCR primers for specific amplification of a conserved region of the sexual chromosome of the Falco genus. This region contains introns showing different size if they belong to W or Z chromosome. This arrangement gives a single fragment amplification (displayed in a single band by electrophoresis in agarose gels) in the male since this is homogametic (ZZ), but two amplification products represented by two different sized electrophoretic bands in females (ZW).
Kit Content and Prices
GPS™ primers and probes are sold for research use only
All GPS™ Kits are available in F100 and MONODOSE Format
GPS™ reagents are compatible with all qPCR devices